About Judas Priest

After a furious headlining show at the PowerTrip Festival in California, metal gods Judas Priest also announced the brand new studio album ‘Invincible Shield’ on stage, which will be released on 8 March 2024 via Columbia Records. The album can be ordered HERE. The first single ‘Panic Attack’ has already been released and can be downloaded HERE and listened to HERE.

Over the past 50 years, Judas Priest have sold more than 50 million albums worldwide and played the biggest stadiums in the world. Over time, they have developed a strong, unique identity that has both defined Judas Priest and influenced future generations of metal bands around the world. With each passing year, the Priest legend continues to grow; in 2022 they were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and completed a sold-out, postponed world tour to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

It's fair to say that Judas Priest rightly wear the crown as one of the biggest and best British bands that has been successful for over 50 years and still is.






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