About Toto

Over the last ten years, TOTO have experienced a surge in popularity that few bands experience at this point in their career. No single statistic illustrates this better than reaching the milestone of over 3.4 billion streams on Spotify alone. The total number of views of the band's entire oeuvre on all platforms is now approaching the five billion mark. One of the most played recordings is "Africa" with over one billion streams on Spotify alone. The song was once again certified 8x platinum by the RIAA. Individually and collectively, the band's pedigree can be heard on an astonishing 5,000 albums, which together account for half a billion albums sold. In addition to these recordings, NARAS' performances have been honored with hundreds of Grammy nominations. They are part of pop culture and one of the few bands of the 70's that have withstood the changing trends and styles and are still relevant.

Photo Credit: Michelle Crody





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