Alison Moyet celebrates 40 years as a solo artist with new album KEY and world tour.

Alison Moyet will embark on a long-awaited world tour in 2025 - her first full headline tour since 2017. Four concerts in Germany were also announced today as part of the European dates, with dates in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to follow. She adds: "Live work really matters to me. I can't dial in a performance. I love the physical feeling that singing gives me. It's totally primal and euphoric. On stage I remember how to connect with myself."


Carlswerk Victoria
Huxley’s Neue Welt

Präsentiert von: Rolling Stone & kulturnews

About Alison Moyet

Alison Moyet started off as a punk, became one half of iconic 80s synth-pop duo, Yazoo, and released her #1 debut solo album, Alf – all by the age of 23. She’s released nine solo studio albums, won three BRIT Awards, been nominated for a Grammy and most recently graduated from university with a first class degree in Fine Art Printmaking. She is quite simply one of the most celebrated and distinctive voices the UK has ever produced and 2024 sees her celebrating her 40th anniversary as a solo artist.

Photo Credit: Georgie Gibbon






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