BÖHSE ONKELZ announce twelve open-air shows for August/September 2024.

Two years after the completely sold-out anniversary shows in Frankfurt and a tour of Germany and Austria with more than 400,000 fans, the Böhsen Onkelz are embarking on a major open-air tour of the most beautiful concert venues the country has to offer in 2024. In addition to the stages already played at the Loreley and the Waldbühne in Berlin, the tour itinerary includes a number of unique locations that have never been played before in the band's history. A unique concert experience for every fan of the four Frankfurters.

Here's the official message from the band: ‘Friends, you've been waiting a long time for the news about the upcoming Onkelz year. And in the end, we too could hardly wait to finally get the word out. Now the time has come and we are delighted to present our 2024 open-air tour! This open-air tour will be very special in many ways. On the one hand, it will take us through some of the most beautiful concert venues that this country has to offer and on the other hand, the Loreley and the Waldbühne in Berlin are locations on the tour schedule that are synonymous with unforgettable moments for you and for us. Of course, we're not just relying on the safe concert cutlery, but are also serving up some real treats in the routing that have never been played before in the history of Onkelz concerts.
Here is the most important information at a glance: The pre-sale starts on 03.11. at 5 pm on onkelz.myticket.de and onkelz.myticket.at. All tickets, except for the shows in Austria, will be personalised with the name of the buyer, similar to the 2022 tour. It is possible to order a maximum of four tickets per concert. Subsequent re-personalisation will of course be possible via the myticket platform. Please also take a look at the myticket FAQs. Here you will find answers to most of your questions. We promise you nothing less than a hot summer of concerts with us on the most beautiful stages and an ambience that has never been seen before in our history.
Your Onkelz’


myticket Jahrhunderthalle
sold out
myticket Jahrhunderthalle
sold out
St. Goarshausen
Freilichtbühne Loreley
sold out
St. Goarshausen
Freilichtbühne Loreley
sold out
St. Goarshausen
Freilichtbühne Loreley
sold out
AT, Bischofshofen
sold out
AT, Bischofshofen
sold out

Tour promoter: LiveGeist Entertainment GmbH
Presented by: Metal Hammer

About Böhse Onkelz

Photo Credit: Mumpi Monsterpics






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