Smash Into Pieces

Manifest Europe Tour 2024

The Swedish rock sensation announces return to Germany.

Swedish cinematic rock sensation SMASH INTO PIECES have announced their return to Germany. Following the success of their 2023 European tour with many sold-out shows in Germany, the outstanding live band has confirmed seven shows in November 2024. SMASH INTO PIECES will play in Berlin (4.11.), Hamburg (5.11.), Cologne (9.11.), Frankfurt (10.11.), Stuttgart (11.11.), Leipzig (12.11.) and Munich (15.11.).


Huxley’s Neue Welt

About Smash Into Pieces

Since the release of their highly acclaimed album "Rise And Shine", SMASH INTO PIECES have become an internationally recognized brand in the rock scene. The numbers are impressive: 300 million streams on Spotify with 1.7 million monthly listeners, plus the band has 130 million views on YouTube. At the center of their captivating presence is the enigmatic frontman and apocalyptic drummer APOC.

Their meteoric rise reached new heights when they conquered the Swedish version of the Eurovision Song Contest, securing a place in the final and eventually finishing in a respectable third place. Their hit single "Six Feet Under" reached platinum status in Sweden in just 12 weeks, while national radio stations embraced the band's infectious sound. Now SMASH are ready to open the next chapter of their epic story and expand the ARCADIA universe with the highly anticipated second episode of the third season.

But the story is not over yet. With an electrifying live program, captivating performances on national TV shows and an upcoming European tour from October to December 2024, SMASH INTO PIECES continue to scale new heights. Their dedication and excellence in every aspect of their career guarantee an unforgettable experience for fans and newcomers alike.

The SMASH INTO PIECES phenomenon is not to be missed. With their energy and musical power, they are redefining the boundaries of cinematic rock.

Photo Credit: John Gyllhamn





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