The Analogues

perform SGT. PEPPER and REVOLVER 2024

The Analogues play The Beatles: SGT. PEPPER and REVOLVER from start to finish and more.

For this new show, The Analogues combine the cult albums REVOLVER and SGT. PEPPER. REVOLVER is considered one of the most influential and groundbreaking albums in the history of pop music. It ranks third on Rolling Stone's list of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" and is considered by many critics to be the best Beatles album. It is also the first album in the so-called Studio Series and undoubtedly an album that The Analogues must perform. Featuring classics such as "Taxman", "Good Day Sunshine" and "Eleanor Rigby", the album will be played in its entirety, note for note, as we have come to expect from The Analogues. SGT. PEPPER is considered the first "concept album". Time magazine wrote: "The moment when pop music became art". The Beatles never performed the music from REVOLVER and SGT. PEPPER live, which shows their extremely experimental approach to composition and production. With songs like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "A Day in the Life", SGT. PEPPER stayed at number 1 in the worldwide album charts for months. In addition, The Analogues explore the Beatles' rich repertoire, especially songs from the late studio albums that the Beatles never played live. Always in the typical Analogues manner: with respect for authenticity and attention to the smallest nuances.


myticket Jahrhunderthalle
Mitsubishi Electric Halle

Präsentiert von: Eclipsed, Classic Rock, Kulturnews & MINT

About The Analogues

Someone once described The Analogues as follows: "They're not just another tribute band, they're musical archaeologists". By now, Beatles fans all over the world know that the way The Analogues have mastered the Beatles' music live is unparalleled. The group of Dutch musicians reproduce entire albums - especially the post-1967 productions that the Beatles themselves never played live - and do whatever it takes to meticulously recreate their authentic sound. They use only original instruments, without the aid of modern digital equipment.

Photo Credit: Tereza Cervenova






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